2017年8月20日 星期日

OS - Ch5 排程 CPU Scheduling


FCFS, SJF, RR 介紹,注意不同排程的優缺點;最近多處理器架構也越來越夯啦。
2015.1.15 初版
2017.8.20 二版

一、CPU 排程簡介

OS 用 multiprogramming 方法得到 CPU 最大使用率,一般 process 一開始都是 CPU Burst,交由 CPU 去處理該 process,接著是 I/O Burst,做 I/O 資料的傳送。在正常的狀況下,process 就在這兩個狀態間一直循環,最後會呼叫一個終止行程執行的 system call 作為行程的結束。

CPU scheduling 從在 ready queue 的 process 中挑選 process 進入 CPU 執行。CPU scheduling 選擇的 process 會在以下情況改變 :

  • Switches from running to waiting state. 
  • Switches from running to ready state. e.g. time sharing 因為 time out 回到 ready 
  • Switches from waiting to ready.
  • Terminates 

[注意] Scheduling under only 1 and 4 is nonpreemptive

1. Preemptive vs Cooperative

Preemptive scheduling (當前主流)

  • Higher responsiveness
  • Hard to share resources race conditions
  • Higher overheads

Cooperative scheduling

  • Simpler in design
  • Poor responsiveness
  • Potential hazards

2. Dispatcher

dispatcher 負責將 CPU 控制權交給經由 Short-term scheduler 所挑選出的 process。


  • switching context
  • switching to user mode
  • jumping to the proper location in the user program to restart that program

[注意] Dispatch latency – time it takes for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another running  ( Context-switch overhead )

3. Scheduling Criteria

  • CPU utilization:CPU process exec. / CPU total time,CPU 使用的時間
  • Throughput:單位時間內完成的工作數目
  • Turnaround time:完成時間 (完成-到達),進去process到出來花的時間
  • Waiting time:waiting in the ready queue
  • Response time:自使用者命令交付到系統產生第一個回應所需的時間 (time-sharing system, user-interactive App 特別重視)


i. 綠色越大越好,紅色越小越好。
ii. throughput vs waiting time : 雖然一直小的效能好,但一直先做小的,大的會餓死。


1. FCFS (First-come,First-served) 排程


  • 優點:很公平
  • 缺點:低 CPU 利用度

護衛效應 (Convoy Effect)

很多 process 均在等待一個需要很長 CPU Time 來完成工作 process,造成平均等待時間大幅增加的不良現象。對 I/O-bound process 有極糟糕的影響,會造成低 I/O 利用度。

2. SJF (Shortest-Job-First) 排程


  • 優點:short waiting time.
    • SJF (nonpreemptive) : optimal in terms of total waiting time if bursts all ready at 0
    • SRTF (preemptive) : optimal in terms of total waiting time if jobs'arrival times are arbitrary
  • 缺點:Not fair, starvation issue (low priority processes may never execute)
    • Solution:Aging – as time progresses increase the priority of the process

Determining Length of Next CPU Burst

It is hard to know the precise length of a CPU burst in advance.

  • $t_n = $ 上一次預估的 CPU Burst Time
  • $\tau_{n} = $ 上一次實際的 CPU Burst Time
  • $\tau_{n+1} = $ 此次預估的 CPU Burst Time
  • $\alpha = $ 分配比率,常用 $\alpha = \frac{1}{2}$

3. RR (Round Robin) 排程


  • 優點:
    • No process waits more than (n-1)q time units. 
    • better response (Users feel that processes run "smoothly slow")
  • Performance:
    • q large:FIFO 
    • q small:q must be large with respect to context switch, otherwise overhead is too high 
    • Better response <— (小) Time quantum (大) —> better turnaround time 

4. Multi-level queue

Ready queue is partitioned into separate queues. Each queue has its own scheduling algorithm. e.g.

  • foreground (interactive) – RR
  • background (batch) – FCFS

5. Multi-level feedback queue

A process can move between the various queues. Aging can be implemented this way.

e.g. Three queues :

  • Q0 – RR with time quantum 8 milliseconds (If not finish, moved to  next queue.)
  • Q1 – RR time quantum 16 milliseconds
  • Q2 – FCFS

[用心去感覺] I/O-bound and CPU-bound proces in m-queue

Why do we prefer I/O-bound processes?

  • To improve I/O utilization (vs the convoy effect of FCFS)
  • To improve the responsiveness (in favor of interactive processes)

Why CPU processes are given to larger time quantum?

  • To improve the throughput / turnaround.

三、Multiple-Processor Scheduling (處理器之間)

Processor affinity : Processor affinity takes advantage of the fact that remnants of a process that was run on a given processor may remain in that processor's state (for example, data in the cache memory) after another process was run on that processor.

load balancing :

  • Push migration – push a process away from a heavily loaded processor to an idle processor
  • Pull migration – pull a waiting process from a heavily loaded processor into an idle processor

[感覺] The two issues conflict with each other!


Scheduling, Part 2: Scheduling Processes: Algorithms

Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne - Operating System Concepts 8th Edition


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